eye to eye with iceland
eye to eye with iceland
Photo essay of a week spent in Iceland, June 2009.

seraphim, vík

inlet. broddanes

life between the lines, south coast

sandra and the safehouse, veiðileysa fjord

directive, reykjavík

freckled, reykjanes peninsula

moonwalk, reykjanes peninsula

eva and the faeries, djúpavík

mud mask, bláa lónið

seaweed four, strandir coast

border patrol, bláa lónið

backbone, jökulsárlón

silica, bláa lónið

buoyant, norðurfjördur

flesh and bone, vík

maelstrom, southern coast

spilled milk, strokkur geysir

sun and moon, krossneslaug

expanse of kilometers, southern coast

gone fishing, djúpavík

djúpafoss, djúpavík

the arc, djúpavík

leap of faith, vík

sandra and the strand, vík